Sunday, 16 March 2014

Last Week

Wow! it is Monday again. I spent every day last week attending an intensive workshop with the amazing Susan Lenart Kazmer, at Hacienda Mosiaco, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This class was very intense, but well worth it, because Susan shared techniques and inspiration from her latest pieces of jewellery. Below are some of my pieces from this class. I have only completed one piece, but there many more "in the works" ----


needs a toggle ...

enamel ...

iced enamel ...

and resin on enamel.

I have been a big fan of Susan's work for many years, but this year something different was happening. The pieces were more open, freer perhaps, seeking a new equilibrium. To a large degree, my work seems to mimic her style. But with enough time and practise, I believe it will evolve into my own unique style.

This has been such a great winter - I can hardly wait to get home to my own studio where I can try to put to use everything that I have learned. Each of my 3 amazing classes were led by instructors with very different temperments and styles, but all were very talented and they all openly shared with us their techniques, skills and insights. Many thanks to Richard and Jane Salley, to Robert Dancik and last but not least, to Susan Lenart Kazmer.

What a terrific winter!

I am off for home tomorrow and will be back in touch soon.

Have a great week!


  1. Wow, great job! That feather is so gorgeous. Good to hear you had such wonderful classes. Wishing you a great week too!

    1. Thank you - I appreciate your kind words - it was a lot of fun to make the necklace
